SHRUTHI ARUKONDA 02 ( 3rd sem)


I have been given the following assignment in an attempt to read, comprehend, analyze, reflect upon and discuss captured patient centered data

This is the link of the questions asked regarding the cases:

Below are my answers to the Medicine Assignment based on my comprehension of the cases


Peer to peer review 

The link of the answer sheet which has been reviewed : 


Case review :

Positives : a well explained symptomatology and the ethology has been highlighted. 

Negatives : the answers to the actual case review were very brief which might not be sufficient to a get a proper idea of the patient’s condition. This has not been emphasised here. 


Case review :

Positives : the correlation between various aspects has been identified efficiently 

Negatives: evolution of symptomatology has been very well explained with a proper timeline for clear understanding. This has not been appreciated.

3.NEUROLOGY (case A) :

Case review:

Positives : the GABA system and the pathophysiology has been properly appreciated. 

Negatives: the reason of why thiamine was given to the patient has been very well explained, which wasn’t mentioned here. 

  • The answers are very lengthy which can prove to be a challenge during quick review of the patients condition 

4.PULMONOLOGY (case 1):

Case review:

Positives: aetiology has been highlighted 

Negatives: a very well done symptomatology has not been appreciated enough.

5.PULMONOLOGY (case 1, question 5) : 

Case review:

Positives: electrolyte imbalance due to COPD has been highlighted. 

Negatives:electrolyte imbalance observed in patients with heart failure and low cardiac output state hasn’t been emphasised properly. 

6.NEUROLOGY (case C): 

Case review:

Positives : quadriplegia and bilateral pedal oedema have been highlighted. 

Negatives: evolution of symptomatology has been explained well. This wasn’t appreciated. 

  • Aetiology wasn’t given enough importance here. This wasn’t mentioned.

7.CARDIOLOGY (case 3A):

Case review :

Positives:the difference between heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and heart failure with reduced ejection fraction has been appreciated well. 

Negatives: the answers were very brief in the actual case review. A few more points could be mentioned for a depth understanding. This wasn’t mentioned. 

8.CARDIOLOGY (case D): 

Case review:

Positives: Indications and contraindications have been appreciated well. 


Case review:

Positives:a proper explanation to the given question was well appreciated. 

Negatives: the steroids here play a major role. This has not been emphasised enough. 


Case review:

Positives: the relation between dyspnea and pancreatitis has been highlighted well. 


Elog of a patient, related case discussion.  

I have made an Elog on a 21 year old female which chief complaints of left shoulder joint pain and pain of the right TMJ.  


1. CASE 1:

Case details:

  • This is a case of 75 year old male with complaints of lower backache and dribbling of urine since 10 days, pedal oedema and SOB since past 3 days. 
  • The history and the general and systemic examinations were very properly done. 
  • A proper set of investigations have been performed based on the chief complaints. 
  • After assessing the chief complaints we can understand that the kidney function has been compromised a little which was found to be true after the investigations were performed. 
  • His series of mediation over the course of 10 days has been properly and systematically noted down which is very beneficial. 

2. CASE 2: 

Case details:

This is a case of 45 year old female who has a history of haemorrhoids with chief complaints of generalised weakness since 20 days and vomitings since past 3 days. 

  • The personal history has been taken very well taken down. 
  • The investigations conducted outside the hospital has also been mentioned clearly which is very advantageous in better understanding and also saves a lot of time. 
  • The results of all the investigations performed has been mentioned clearly 

3. CASE 3: 

case details:

  • Failed to mention the basic details like the age and the gender of the patient in the opening statement. This could’ve helped in better understanding and interpreting the case. 
  • The progression of the bed sores has been clearly seen with the help of pictures. 
  • The investigations performed were presented very well. 

4.  CASE 4:

Case details :

  • The investigations performed were very well represented. Especially 2D ECHO. The results of which have been shown with a series of pictures and videos. 
  • History of the present illness is very informative.


1. CASE 1:

Case :

Provincial Diagnosis : Acute Renal failure 

  • Grade 1 L4-L5 spondylodiscitis 
  • Multifocal infectious spondylodiscitis 
  • Hyoerurecemia 2° to renal failure 
  • Urecemia induced tremors 
  • Uremic encephalopathy 

Problem list: 

  • Lower back ache 
  • Dribbling if urine since 10 days 
  • Pedal edema since 10 days 
  • SOB at rest since 3 days 
  • Increased involuntary movements of both upper limbs since 10 days 


  • Inj-Tazar— used to treat UTI
  • inj lasix— to treat oedema 
  • Inj palmtop— used to treat GRED
  • Foleys catheterisation— passed into the bladder through the urethra to drain the urine 
  • Inj neomol— pain killer 
  • Inj piptaz- used to treat UTI

2. CASE 2: 

Provincial diagnosis : chronic interstitial nephritis secondary to plasma cell dyscariasis
multiple myeloma 

problem list: 
  • Has a history of muscle aches since 3 years for which she’s using NSAID’s 
  • Has a history of fever 20 days back which was treated in the local hospital 
  • Generalised weakness since 20 days 
  • History of vomiting since 3 days with food as content, non projectile, non bilious 
  • Appetite : lost 
  • Restricted movement in the right wrist 
  • Anemia 

  • Tab nodosis— an antacid 
  • Tab zofer 4mg— it’s an antiemetic medicine used to control nausea and vomiting
  • Neb c duolin 2 respules— combination drug. Makes breathing easier for patients with COPD 
  • Inj optineuron— for vitamin b12 and nutritional deficiencies 
  • Inj erythropoietin— used in the treatment of anemia 

3. CASE 3: 

Provisional diagnosis— pyelonephritis 

Problem list: 
  • Fever and diarrhoea since 5 days ( 4-5 times a day with blood discharge) 
  • Back pain (5 days ago) with abdominal pain and chest pain 
  • Diagnosed with type 2 diabetes 3 years ago and is on medication ever since. 
  • 2 years ago, she’s developed an infection in the little finger and due to worsening of the condition, it has been amputated 
  • Back pain has occurred an year ago for which she’s taken un-prescribed antibiotics, which worsened the condition 
  • Before visiting the OPD, she has complained of severe breathlessness and pain in the chest region. 
  • Anemia 
  • Inj VANCOMYOCIN: used to treat serious condition like pyelonephritis. 
  • Inj LEVOFLOX: an antibiotic 
  • Inj MEROPENEM: an antibiotic 
  • Inj CLEXANE: used to tread blood clots. 

4. CASE 4: 

Provisional diagnosis: infective endocarditis with AKI

Problem list :
  • 2 years ago diagnosed with diabetes mellitus type 2 and has been on medication ever since. 
  • 2 years ago, complained of tingling in the upper limbs up to the palms. In the lower Knee, up to the knee. 
  • 15 days back, patient presented with abdominal distension not associated with pain, no nausea, no vomiting, no loose stooled and was diagnosed with alcoholic and liver disease and hepatic encephalopathy 
  • From past 7 days, he complains of abdominal distension 
  • From past 5 days, he complains of constipation and has not passed stools since 5 days 
  • He also complains of altered sleep patterns from past 5 days 
  • He also has hiccups since morning 
  • He complains of pedal oedema grade 2. 

  • Inj norad— used to treat hypotension 
  • Inj piptaz —used to treat infections caused by Bacteria (infection of the skin) 
  • Inj CLEXANE— in treatment and prevention of blood clots 
  • Inj LECOFLOX— antibiotic 



There is no doubt that pandemic has been really tough on all of us. It has put a sudden jolt on all our academic routines and day to day life. And the medical students have had the greatest impact. As the students of the third semester, we were all excited to attend our clinical postings as it is the foundation of our medical careers and the knowledge it offers is of great importance to shape us be better doctors. To be not able to attend our clinical postings physically has been really challenging as nothing triumphs a patient-doctor interaction in person. But, over the course of last month Dr.Rakesh Biswas, the HOD of general medicine and the entire department has been really helpful to us and have done the best in their being for us to get a maximum exposure out of this.  We have learnt the basics of how to take down history and write case sheets and also how efficiently E-blogs can be used to to put down what we have learnt in a proper performa. Through various E-blogs mentioned in the WhatsApp group we were immensely lucky enough to go through them and try understanding them in best of our abilities and the case discussions held after every blog were very informative. We’ve also done E-blogs which has been a very informative and an amazing experience. We’ve also got to experience of how we must talk to the Patients while we were taking their histories in order to build our E blogs. And that has been very advantages. Though the experience has been really thrilling we look forward to attend the clinical postings in person and get the at most knowledgable experience out of this. 



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