GENERAL MEDICINE. 28 July ,2021. Note: This is an online E Log book recorded to discuss and comprehend our patient's de-identified health data shared, AFTER taking his/her/guardian's signed informed consent. CASE REPORT A 64 year old male with chief complaints of fever since 4 days, loose stools since 4 days , swelling of the left lower limb since a month and abdominal distension since one month . CHEIF COMPLAINTS: Fever since 4 days. High grade a/w chills, decreases on medication. Loose stools since 4 days a/w mucoid, small volume, watery consistency Swelling of the left lower Limb since past one month Abdominal distension since past one month No h/o pain abdomen No h/o blood and pus in stools. HISTORY OF PRESENT ILLNESS: Nothing significant HISTORY OF PAST ILLNESS: K/c/o bronchial asthma De novo detected DM ? TREATMENT HISTORY:...